Thursday, March 23, 2006

some interesting links- related to vedas


  1. Anonymous10:43 pm

    ur comments in srinivasan's blog about
    the "love" is very good.nice analysis.

    the links are good too

  2. Anonymous7:24 pm

    hey nagesh.great man ur sanskrit is really good just saw that in brahmin community post.(me too a brahmin)

  3. hmm, I seem to hav forgotten what i wrote there....been a while since i went to those communities...lots of nonsense on those forums these days.

    Just for the record, i hav studied sanskrit[ at least passed sanskrit exams] for 8 years right from middle school till end of 12th grade;-)
    So considering the duration that i have been associated with the language, i can understand it a bit. But cant speak much now a days- have lost touch big time.

    s/w Engineers hardly get time to do anything interesting...except coding, ofcourse.

  4. Nice article about love.

    I just wonder whether both the body and mind dont play a part in deciding the object of love.... Don't we all like/ love something/some1 from our own perspective? And this perspective very much depends upon each and every individual...So isnt it person-specific??

    Like u say if it is universal,we could say it is all the goodness of the world.. but isnt this goodness relative to every person?

  5. Anonymous5:56 pm

    im very glad that in this fast generation ,im coming across a person who says parents decide the "ideal match".i should say i never across a boy who views match mine.i found u some having similar very like that.dont ever change.hahah

  6. Anonymous7:34 pm

    im a iiitbian too

  7. @Bril,
    Like u say if it is universal,we could say it is all the goodness of the world.. but isnt this goodness relative to every person?

    Naive,as this might sound,
    I believe that everyone/everything in this world has an innate goodness- goodness is universal.

    I do agree, that there are shades of grey too,in everyone.But the "greyness" depends on perspective.
    It is just circumstances and our perspective which paints a person/thing as bad.I might think of someone as being a "good" person today, but that opinion might change tomorrow. We could attribute it to the "that person has changed, he is no longer the person that he was"-phenomenon.
    But i feel that in most cases, it is our perspective that has changed, our view of looking at the person/thing has changed.

    To reiterate,
    goodness is universal, and so is love, in its universal sense ;-)
