Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Wonder Years

Growing up happens in a heartbeat.
One day you're in diapers, the next day you're gone.
But the memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul.
I remember a place ... a town ... a house like a lot of houses ...
A yard like a lot of other yards ...On a street like a lot of other streets.
And the thing is ... After all these years,I still look back ... with wonder.

Happenings around me in the past few days brought back memories ....memories archived in remote parts of my brain. These made me smile, laugh quietly and brought tears to my eye in the knowledge that I would never again see the person who helped create all those memories.

I see an older generation passing by, bidding goodbye to this world,( I pray ) headed for a peaceful afterlife. Some are gone, few are left...and will cause the inevitable feeling of loss to those they leave behind. We are like the green leaf, watching the old leaves wither away, reminding us of our own mortality and reminding us to enjoy life to the fullest.


  1. Anonymous4:37 pm

    I like this post, its profound and heart warming in a way.

  2. Thanks,
    The situation was such;
